Judge Approves Up To $1.8 Million In Bonuses For Hostess Executives

December 10, 2012 Staff Reporter, CBS New York

Hostess Brands Inc. got a judge’s approval to give its top executives bonuses totaling up to $1.8 million as part of its wind-down plans.

Poor Management, Not Union Intransigence, Killed Hostess

Let's get a few things clear. Hostess didn't fail for any of the reasons you've been fed. It didn't fail because Americans demanded more healthful food than its Twinkies and Ho-Hos snack cakes. It didn't fail because its unions wanted it to die. It failed because the people that ran it had no idea what they were doing. Every other excuse is just an attempt by the guilty to blame someone else.

'Shock' Donuts On The Rise, But Are They Good?

November 29, 2012 Elena Ferretti, Fox News

Elk’s Club meetings mean donuts to George Geary. “My dad’s Elk’s meetings were Friday nights and he’d always come home with Winchell’s donuts,” says Geary, an accomplished pastry chef, author and donut expert. “It’s my favorite childhood memory.”

Humboldt, CA Bakery Expands; Gluten-Free Products Catch Eye Of Whole Foods Market

It's been a whirlwind of a year for a specialty Humboldt bakery that is currently in the process of moving into a larger kitchen and increasing its presence in Northern California through a contract with Whole Foods Market.

Wheat For People Allergic To Gluten: Possible?

Can scientists create gluten-free wheat plants to make bread with?  Writing in the journal PNAS, a team of scientists concludes that it’s quite possible.