Crave Brothers Farmstead Classics Mascarpone Strikes Gold

Crave Brothers Farmstead Classics Mascarpone won a gold medal at the World Cheese Award competition sponsored annually by the Guild of Fine Food, a British trade organization.

Whole Foods To Feature Persillé du Beaujolais Cheese With Beaujolais Promo

October 30, 2009 Whole Foods

In celebration of this year’s release of Georges DuBufs festive Beaujolais Nouveau, Whole Foods is promoting its pairing with Persill du Beaujolais an incredible, soft blue cows milk cheese produced in limited quantity by a small, artisanal dairy in the Rhne Alps.

Oakhursts Hybrid Truck Launch First Of Its Kind For The U.S. Dairy Industry

October 27, 2009 Oakhurst Dairy

Demonstrating its commitment to a healthier environment, Oakhurst Dairy is implementing energy saving technologies at its facilities in Maine, some are a first of its kind for the dairy industry in the United States.

Ohio Senator Brown Introduces Dairy COOL Act

October 26, 2009 Dairy Today

Up until now dairy has been exempt from country of origin labeling. Newly introduced legislation by an Ohio Senator could now make COOL mandatory for dairy products.

Tillamook Cheese Selects Contest Finalists To Compete In Grand Finale Cook-Off

After thousands of submissions as foodies from across the country Six home cooks have been selected to compete for the grand prize title of The Big Cheese. In addition to tasting some of the best homemade macaroni and cheese recipes in the country, all made with Tillamook cheese, food enthusiasts will have the opportunity to meet Keegan Gerhard, host of the Food Networks, Food Network Challenge, who will emcee this years grand finale cook-off.