MEXICO CITY — Grupo LALA, S.A.B. de C.V., a Mexican company focused on the healthy food industry (“LALA”) (BMV: LALAB) makes the following clarifications regarding a publication by PROFECO (Consumer Protection Agency):
Regarding the information reported about one of Lala’s products, the 400g Manchego Cheese (Sliced and Lactose-Free Sliced presentations), Grupo Lala hereby clarifies that this product is made of 100% milk and complies with Mexico’s NOM-223-SCFI/SAGARPA-2018 requirements for cheese. Comments published within PROFECO magazine’s April 2020 issue refer to the product’s country of origin. This issue has since been addressed and resolved.
Grupo Lala produces nutritious, high-quality foods supporting consumers’ health and well-being, spanning every demographic and life phase. All Lala products comply fully with applicable norms and regulations. Grupo Lala has been in contact with the appropriate authorities to address the situation.
For more information:
David González Peláez and Israel Rentería
About LALA: Grupo LALA, a Mexican company focused on the healthy and nutritious food industry, has more than 65 years of experience in the production, innovation and marketing of milk, dairy products and beverages under the highest quality standards. LALA operates 31 production plants and 173 distribution centers in Mexico, Brazil, the United States and Central America and is supported by more than 40,000 employees. LALA operates a fleet that exceeds 7,500 units for the distribution of its more than 600 products which reach more than 578,000 points of sale. LALA®, Nutri® and Vigor® stand out in their brand portfolio.
For more information visit: www.lala.com.mx