Gold-Medalist Lindsey Vonn Hits The Slopes With A ‘Stache

WASHINGTON — Gold medal winning downhill skier Lindsey Vonn is the latest milk-drinking athlete to don the famous got milk?® 'stache. Vonn knows lowfat milk is loaded with nine essential nutrients including calcium and vitamin D, to help keep her bones strong, and protein – essential for building lean muscle.

Whether pouring it on your cereal or drinking it in a smoothie, latte, or straight up in a glass, a healthy diet with lowfat milk can help you look and feel great. Vonn says, "They say you are what you eat. So drinking lowfat milk helps give me confidence that my body's getting nutrients it needs to be my best and to look my best."

Vonn unveiled her two new Milk Mustache ads today to help share the benefits of drinking lowfat milk. The first ad featuring Lindsey with "Rocket Skis" reads: "Protein blast. got milk?"

Her second ad lets people in on Vonn's secret to helping her look and feel great from the inside out. The Lindsey Vonn "Snow Angel" ad copy reads, "Look angelic. Feel divine. got milk?"

Head to to get the inside dish on how you can win a chance to "Live Like Lindsey Vonn in Vail." While you're there, check out exclusive behind-the-scenes photos and videos from Lindsey's Milk Mustache ad shoot.
