African Countries Seek Extension Of AGOA Initiative

The 2011 African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa) forum took place recently in Lusaka, Zambia under the theme "Enhanced Trade Through Increased Competitiveness, Value addition and Deeper regional Integration". The event also marked the 10th year of Agoa. Government officials, business leaders and civil society from African countries and the United States convened to promote trade, business and investment opportunities that sustain economic development in Africa.

Every year an Agoa forum is held and brings together government officials, business leaders and civil society from the African countries and the United States.

At the 2011 forum, the sub-Saharan African countries called for the extension of Agoa, export diversification to the US market, increased US investment in the infrastructure sector, among others.The sub-Saharan African countries have been calling for the extension of Agoa beyond 2015, with Zambia, South Africa and Kenya as the strongest advocates.

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