Bringing the Inside Out Houseplants Help Create Lush, Upscale Garden Spaces

Azusa, California – Houseplants are heading outdoors this season. Larger, lush plants that may typically reside inside are becoming the newest outdoor design accessory, essential for turning your backyard into an instant oasis.

“One of this season’s garden design trends is all about Upscale Relaxation,” says Katie Tamony, chief marketing officer and trend-spotter for Monrovia. “This style involves using plants and furnishing to create the feel of a luxury spa, upscale restaurant, or boutique hotel right in your own backyard. It’s all about developing soothing spaces and a relaxing atmosphere where you want to linger longer.”

Adding houseplants to outdoor areas instantly elevates the space, providing a beautiful sense of curated, upscale design. Warm green tones, interesting textures, and intriguing pops of color foster feelings of calm relaxation and a coziness that keeps the area comfortable without sacrificing style.

Whether you’re bringing your existing houseplants outdoors or purchasing new varieties, they’re sure to add interest to outdoor dining and living spaces. Monrovia grown houseplants feature larger varieties in 1-gallon pots or bigger, to create instant impact inside and out. Here are a few of our favorites:

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Abidjan Rubber Plant
Ficus elastica ‘Abidjan’

Add a tropical flair to your patio with this eye-catching rubber plant. Abidjan Rubber Plant features dramatic, deep green leaves. The new leaves start as a bright red spike adding a striking splash of color.

 ©Monrovia, by Doreen Wynja

Tineke Rubber Plant
Ficus elastica ‘Tineke’

Tineke Rubber Plant can make an instant statement in your outdoor space. The leaves are a beautiful, engaging green with a rim of white and a hint of blush. This Ficus will grow to 6 feet but can be trimmed to keep it the right size for your garden.

Burle Marx Calathea
Calathea burlemarmii ‘Burle Marx’

Tap into the trend of Dark Meets Light with Burle Marx Calathea. The cool blue and deep green striped leaves feature a beautiful purple underside that adds drama and contrast. This variety is a low grower, perfect for low light areas.

 ©Monrovia by Doreen Wynja

Ginny Mini Monstera
Rhaphidophora tetrasperma

If you’re looking to add height to your outdoor (or indoor) garden, Ginny Mini Monstera is an excellent choice. This fast-growing plant adds an exotic design element to any space. Native to Thailand and Malaysia, it loves bright, filtered light and can reach more than 6 feet tall if given support.

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Shangri-La Philodendron
Philodendron bippinatifidum ‘SHANGRI-LA’ PP #32,524

The large, intricately cut leaves of Shangri-La Philodendron create the feel of a lush tropical paradise. This variety stays compact, perfect for smaller spaces. It prefers bright, indirect light.

 Doreen Wynja

Angyo Star Tree Ivy
x Fatshedera lizei ‘Angiostar’

This combination of Fatsia and English Ivy offers extra-large, rich green leaves that are edged in creamy white. Angyo Star is a wonderful container plant that can be trained with support to add privacy, define a space, or grow up a pillar. This modern climber won’t spread aggressively and can be left outdoors in Zones 8-11. It’s also an excellent houseplant.

 Doreen Wynja

Jazzy Jewel® Amber Hibiscus
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis ‘RH-05’ PPAF

Hibiscus are a go-to plant for creating an exotic, tropical look in the garden. Jazzy Jewel®, Monrovia’s exclusive series of Hibiscus, features bright, jewel-toned blooms with glossy green foliage. While Hibiscus may not typically be considered a house plant, they can be brought inside during the winter. If you live in a colder climate, place it near a sunny window for the off-season.

Visit your local garden center or for more inspiration and information.


Need more images or want to talk with a Monrovia expert? For more information or to schedule an interview, contact: Kathleen Hennessy, or 952-224-2939 ext. 120

Watch our Pursuit of Beauty video or access our 2022 Distinctive Plants Guide for more inspiration.

About Monrovia
Inspired by the beauty of plants, gardens, and landscapes everywhere, Harry E. Rosedale, Sr. founded Monrovia in 1926 to be a premier grower of shrubs and trees. Monrovia collaborates with plant breeders around the world to introduce improved plant varieties to North America. Monrovia plants flourish once planted to beautify gardens and landscapes. Please visit to learn more.