Fair Flowers Fair Plants Program Expanding

Fortunately the market is getting more and more positive again and FFP bears the fruits of this good development. Some new chains (Bellaflora and Florito), producers and wholesalers in various countries have joined recently as FFP participant. In the meantime on the production side FFP works together with 5 certification programmes, equal to the FFP standard. This means an increase of participating producers (and available assortment) at short notice. Due to the economic crisis and a lacking signal of demand from the market unfortunately some growers and traders have left FFP. However more new ones have joined and the overall picture is a growth of FFP participants being positive and active in the market.

New possibilities for consumers in Germany and Austria

Bellaflora, a garden centre chain in Austria with 24 shops, has decided to start with the sales of FFP plants. Within some weeks the consumer in Austria can find the plants in the shops. The sustainable developments in Germany continue to increase and therefore also the interest in Fair Flowers Fair Plants. The concrete result of this is the registration within FFP of the 43 shops of the German florist chain Florito. Since December 2010 the shops are selling FFP roses from Ethiopia. Also garden centre Dehner who started with their FFP sales in April 2010, is expanding their offer in the shops with more labelled FFP plants. The plants come from The Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and Denmark. The positive attitude in the sector has been very noticeable at the IPM in Essen as well, which ended in a lot of new and interested contacts for FFP.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Florint.org