IFPA Merchant Innovation Awards: Recognize Retail Leaders Driving Consumption

Washington, DC —  International Fresh Produce Association seeks nominations for its Retail Merchant Innovation Awards, a program recognizing and celebrating retail leaders who demonstrate passion and purpose through innovative strategies to drive produce consumption.  Nominations are open to retail vice presidents, directors or sales managers of produce, or equivalent titles. 

“There are a variety of ways to nominate retailers who inspire others to think creatively about their approach to produce marketing and demonstrate their own forward-thinking perspective,” said Joe Watson, IFPA vice president of retail, foodservice, wholesale membership.  

“We encourage produce suppliers to nominate a retailer who is getting the job done for their products and brand, someone who is a notch or two above their other customers. Additionally, solutions providers should consider nominating retailers using their products or services to boost their produce strategy to attract more shoppers and sales. While retailers should look to nominate someone at the top of their produce division, someone who applies innovation and creativity to inspire both staff and shoppers. 

To read the rest of the story, please go to:  International Fresh Produce Association