John Vena Receives First Shipment Of Radicchio Varieties

John Vena, Inc. has received its first shipment of Radicchio Rosso Precoce di Treviso IGP, Radicchio Rosso Tardivo di Treviso IGP and Radicchio Variegato di Castelfranco IGP.

Tardivo is the most sought-after variety of Radicchio Rosso di Treviso IGP. Radicchio
Rosso Tardivo di Treviso IGP is a beautiful vegetable, with wine red leaves intertwined
with pure white ribs. Because Radicchio Rosso di Treviso and Radicchio Variegato di
Castelfranco have received IGP (Indicazione Geografica Protetta) status, they can only
be sold as such if they are produced in the Italian Region of the Veneto, in the provinces
of Treviso, Padua and Venice under the supervision of the Consorzio Radicchio di

These vegetables are seasonal, appearing in Italian markets in late November through
early spring, and can be found in many holiday dishes. This winter is the first time the
radicchio from the Treviso region will be made widely available to consumers and
restaurants throughout Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey.

Source: John Vena Inc.