Seattle Bans Plastic Bags At Retail Stores July 1

SEATTLE — Those ubiquitous, single-use plastic bags will no longer be available at checkout counters at grocery and retail stores across Seattle starting July 1.

The ban intended to cut down on pollution requires grocers and other retailers to stop handing out plastic bags and charge customers a nickel fee for every paper bag as a way encourage people to bring their own bags.

Stores have posted signs telling customers of the upcoming changes. The city has mailed out thousands of notices to local retailers, as well as calling and visiting them in-person. One group at the University of Washington even held an exchange to encourage people to bring their extra reusable bags, or come get one.

"I think the stores will be ready, I don't know if the customers are ready. It's just a matter of getting used to something new," said Joe Gilliam, president of the Northwest Grocery Association, which represents the largest grocery chains in Seattle.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Associated Press