Advantages of Batch and Continuous Mixing -AMF Bakery Systems

The mixing stage is a critical point of quality control in the production process for commercially baked foods. Bakers should evaluate two types of mixing when automating their process: batch mixing and continuous mixing. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, and determining the most optimal mixing solution for your bakery depends on several requirements.

Advancements in AMF Fusion technology, an AMF Bakery Systems brand, have improved the reliability and precision of batch mixing processes and made it possible for bakers to convert to continuous mixing through AMF’s partnership with Exact mixing, a Reading Bakery Systems brand and Markel Food Group partner. When looking at the two solutions, bakers must consider their final baked product specifications, total cost, machine throughput, ease of operation, required maintenance, and downstream processes.

While both types of automated mixing solutions improve dough consistency, reduce labor costs, and increase production throughput, we explore below several other advantages and disadvantages of each mixing solution for industrial food production.

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