Bellingham, WA's Avenue Bread Sees Opportunities In Wholesale

It's great to hear about local business owners moving forward with expansion plans, especially during this challenging economic climate.

That's what Wendy and John DeFreest have been busy doing the past few months. The owners of the three Bellingham Avenue Bread cafés recently added a facility at 2020 Humboldt St. (in the Sunnyland neighborhood) to establish a commercial bakery. The bakery will be used to make bread and pastries for Avenue Bread, as well as the company's wholesale clients. Currently the pastry part is in place at Humboldt Street; next week the plan is to move the bread bakers from the Railroad Avenue café to the bakery.

Once in place, the 2,700-square-foot bakery will have the capacity to triple or quadruple production, Wendy DeFreest said.

"Last year we reached our maximum capacity and there were more opportunities to grow," DeFreest said. "Finding the right spot (for a commercial bakery) was a challenge, but we're very happy with this spot. It's right between two of our cafes."

To read the rest of the story, please go to: The Bellingham Herald