Celebrate Bake and Take Month This March with Kansas Wheat

Spring is in the air, and so is the smell of freshly baked treats delivered by home bakers taking part in Bake and Take Month this March. Kansas Wheat encourages all to join in this tradition as a way to reconnect with others. 

“The long-standing tradition of Bake and Take Month is a great way to spend time with our children and neighbors as well as give back to those in need,” said Cindy Falk, nutrition educator of Kansas Wheat. “Whichever way you are able to observe Bake and Take Month this March, don your apron, take out your favorite recipe and use this time to celebrate our relationships with our friends, our families and our communities.” 

The premise of Bake and Take Month is simple — bake something and share it with a neighbor, friend or relative. Add even more meaning to the month by delivering them with a handwritten note or staying for an in-person conversation. 

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Kansas Wheat