Rogers Collection and Quesos De Hualdo Announce Our Collaboration

New in our collection: a very special Spanish cheese producer…QUESOS DE HUALDO

Finca Hualdo is an innovative full-cycle farming project in Toledo, Castilla-La Mancha. They control all aspects of production (raising and milking the sheep as well as cheesemaking) and are committed to the vitality of their farming ecosystem. The delicate aroma of their cheese is reflective of the high-quality diet of their 2,000 Manchega sheep whose welfare is placed above all!

(aged 7 months)

An aged raw sheep’s milk cheese reminiscent of alpine traditions aged on wooden boards. Exposing the curds to temperatures over 40ºC imparts toasted, buttery pastry and toffee notes. A natural, brushed rind with a supple paste. Pairs well with roasted pumpkin, brioche, and sweet wine. 2.2kg wheels or 200g wedges 

Queso Manchego
Artesano PDO

(aged 7 months)

Made with raw milk from Hualdo’s free-roaming Manchega sheep. Wheels are turned and brushed regularly on wooden boards. Firm and buttery texture with notes of nuts and cereal. Pairs well with fig jam and olive oil. 
2.8kg wheels or 200g wedges 

We invite you to taste the Quesos de Hualdo raw milk cheeses
new to our collection at the upcoming
Fancy Food Show in NYC on June 25th-27th! 

Quesos de Hualdo – Booth #2307 (Spanish Pavilion)

Please reply to this email to schedule a meeting
with our sales team at the show!