Complete Your Spring Offer With Syngenta Flowers’ Spring Perennials Highlights

While nature is slowly emerging from a winter sleep, nurseries around Europe are buzzing with the deliveries of their beautiful Spring Perennials to the stores. At the same time, decisions for the next growing season need to be made. To make the decision-making a little easier, we highlighted some of our excellent Spring Perennials.

Saxifraga from January until April
We offer 3 spectacular Saxifraga series from cuttings with each a different flowering period. Alpino Early flowers already in January and February. Alpino is bred for flowering in March after the Alpino Early has been sold and Touran will extend your selling season until circa week 14.

Lofty is our Saxifraga series from seeds with the flower quality of a cutting raised series. The flowering window is wider than its cutting counterparts and therefore suitable to harvest for a few weeks in a row. 

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