Floral Update: Where is the Summer Holiday?

Well, July and August have gone by already…wouldn’t it have been great if we had a new floral holiday in there somewhere that brought happiness to someone right smack in the middle of the summer?  I would love to hear from you if you have any ideas of what that might be.   

Maybe a two-for? With two bouquets in one sleeve for the price of one or Mood Brightener Bouquet that is at least 1/3 yellow? Perhaps, we could try a Black Bucket Friday?  Where specific black bucket product is 25% off. What ideas do you have that we can get behind as an industry and start getting out there in front of consumers so their engagement grows a little bit (or a lot) every year?  

We create the surplus for the growers, let’s get together and think about a way to move it for extra sales for everybody.  Or should we join forces with WF&FSA and Flower Movement Awareness Week in August-   Or SAF Petal it Forward in October?   Our Floral Council meets in October,  and I would love to bring forward an idea from every company that we can vote on as a group to drive our 2024 Action Plan. Email me your ideas, and we’ll get it in front of the volunteer group! DZoellick@freshproduce.com   

To read the rest of the story, please go to: International Fresh Produce Association