Azusa, California – Roses are back! Research shows consumers are looking for roses for all kinds of garden needs, in different heights and juicy colors. Monrovia has been working for several years to bring new roses to market that offer fragrance, compact habit, and cold hardiness.
A stunning example of Monrovia’s new offering is the fragrant, high petal count series of roses called Eau de Parfum™. These new roses offer exceptionally fragrant blooms with a high petal count for that beautiful, traditional rose look. This series also features excellent disease resistance and is available now in limited release for 2023 in four vibrant colors including Berry, Bling, Blush, and Bubbly. Every color in the series is a repeat bloomer, putting on a show from early spring through first frost. Eau de Parfum roses top out at 4 feet tall and wide and are recommended for Zones 5-10.

Consumer demand for roses is being driven by a renewed interest in classic flowering shrubs and romantic nostalgia plants, a design trend Monrovia’s experts are calling New Victorian style. “Blame it on Bridgerton,” says Katie Tamony, chief marketing officer at Monrovia, referencing the popular Netflix series. Gardeners are gravitating toward plants that bring a sense of history, and a kind of lush abandon to the garden, such as roses, lilacs, hydrangeas, and hollyhocks. “This trend is an elevated, maximized version of cottage or cottage core,” says Tamony. “Our roses bring a romantic mood to the garden without the chaos—you can tuck these in easily anywhere.”
The New Victorian Garden is casual and rambling, but not disorganized, typically with a palette of peach, purples, pinks, and white. Monrovia’s new roses are a natural for this trend, but they also fit any design that begs for color, fragrance, and beauty.
The Eau de Parfum series joins two other new rose introductions for 2023 including the Seaside Swirl™ Rugosa Rose Series and Heavenly Ascent® Climbing Roses. Look for each of these new rose series, and Monrovia’s classic shrub roses – Grace N’ Grit™ and Nitty Gritty™ in Monrovia’s distinctive green pot.
Monrovia is partnering with breeders around the world, searching for beautiful roses that deliver more for home gardeners – more blooms, more fragrance. and easy care. The best roses from breeding partners are trialed and tested at Monrovia nursery locations in Oregon, California, Georgia, and Connecticut. Only the strongest performers that offer excellent disease and pest resistance, low maintenance, and stunning blooms are then offered at retail.
Watch our Pursuit of Beauty video or access our 2023 Distinctive Plants Guide for more inspiration.
About Monrovia
Inspired by the beauty of plants, gardens, and landscapes everywhere, Harry E. Rosedale, Sr. founded Monrovia in 1926 to be a premier grower of shrubs and trees. Monrovia collaborates with plant breeders around the world to introduce improved plant varieties to North America. Monrovia plants flourish once planted to beautify gardens and landscapes. Please visit Monrovia.com to learn more.