Madison, WI Grocers See Online Grocery Shopping As Community Builder, Not Moneymaker

When Mary Ellen Esser shops at Metcalfe's Market, she's very particular about what she picks out. She'll look for just the right tomato and make certain she finds a cut of meat that meets her standards.

Esser isn't just being picky for herself; she's being picky for a stranger she likely will never meet. Esser is one of the store's four full-time shoppers who fill orders for customers who primarily order their groceries online.

"Someone noticed what I was doing and said, 'Oh, you really do a good job, you're really particular,'" Esser said. "I said, 'Yes, that's how I would want it done for me.'"

Online grocery shopping companies have come and gone over the years, but online grocery shopping remains. While some companies were considered among the "dot bomb" online busts in the last decade, grocers and related businesses are tweaking the model to find a way for it to succeed.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Wisconsin State Journal