- Restaurants and food retailers in Delaware (DE), Florida (FL), Illinois (IL), Maryland (MD), New Jersey (NJ), New York (NY), Pennsylvania (PA), Rhode Island (RI), and Texas (TX) that have recently purchased raw oysters, labeled as lots L466B and 466A. These oysters were illegally harvested from Milford Approved area in Connecticut on 11/12/2023 and 11/15/2023.
- Consumers in DE, FL, IL, MD, NJ, NY, PA, RI, and TX, who have recently purchased or consumed raw oysters, labeled as lots L466B and 466A. These oysters were illegally harvested from Milford Approved area in Connecticut on 11/12/2023 and 11/15/2023.
Oysters illegally harvested from Milford Approved area in Connecticut on 11/12/2023 and 11/15/2023 and distributed to DE, FL, IL, MD, NJ, NY, PA, RI, and TX. It is possible that oysters may have been distributed to other states as well. These oysters can be identified by the dealer tag with the original shipper, Seaview Fisheries LLC, CT-084-SS, AQ, and harvest location lots L466B and 466A.
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is advising consumers not to eat, and restaurants and food retailers not to sell, and to dispose of oysters illegally harvested from Milford Approved area in Connecticut on 11/12/2023 and 11/15/2023 by original certified dealer Seaview Fisheries, CT-084-SS, AQ, and labeled as lots L466B and 466A because they may be contaminated. The oysters were directly distributed to a distributor in RI. Oysters were distributed further to a distributor and retailers in DE, FL, IL, MD, NJ, NY, PA, and TX and may have been distributed further from these states.
Oysters harvested illegally may be contaminated with human pathogens, toxic elements or poisonous or deleterious substances and can cause illness if consumed. Oysters are filter feeders that remove and bioaccumulate bacteria and other pathogens from the water. It is not uncommon for shellfish to be consumed raw and whole. Contaminated oysters can cause illness if eaten raw, particularly in people with compromised immune systems. Oysters contaminated with pathogens may look, smell, and taste normal.
Symptoms of Food Poisoning
People can get sick with food poisoning after ingesting pathogens toxic elements or poisonous or deleterious substances. Symptoms may vary, depending on the pathogen or contaminant and can range from mild to serious. The most common symptoms of food poisoning are diarrhea, stomach pain or cramps, nausea, vomiting, and fever. Symptoms may start within a few hours or may take a few days and can last for a few hours or several days. Consumers of these products who are experiencing food poisoning symptoms such as diarrhea, stomach pain or cramps, nausea, vomiting, or fever should contact their healthcare provider, who should report their symptoms to their local Health Department.
Summary of Problem and Scope
On November 17, 2023, the Connecticut Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Aquaculture (CT DA/BA) informed the FDA of a recall of oysters that had been illegally harvested and potentially contaminated. The oysters were illegally harvested from Milford Approved Area on 11/12/2023 and 11/15/2023 by certified dealer Seaview Fisheries, LLC, CT-084-SS, AQ, labeled as lots L466B and 466A. Oysters were distributed directly to a distributor in RI. Oysters were distributed further to a distributor and retailers in DE, FL, IL, MD, NJ, NY, PA, and TX and may have been distributed further from these states.
FDA Actions
The FDA is issuing this alert advising consumers not to eat, and restaurants and food retailers not to sell, oysters labeled as lots L466B and 466A, illegally harvested from Milford Approved area in Connecticut on 11/12/2023 and 11/15/2023. The FDA is awaiting further information on distribution of the oysters and will continue to monitor the investigation and provide assistance to state authorities as needed.
Recommendations for Restaurants and Retailers
Restaurants and retailers should not serve or sell the potentially contaminated oysters. Restaurants and retailers should dispose of any products by throwing them in the garbage or returning them to their distributor for destruction.
Restaurants and retailers should also be aware that shellfish may be a source of pathogens and should control the potential for cross-contamination of food processing equipment and the food processing environment. They should follow the steps below:
- Wash hands with warm water and soap following the cleaning and sanitation process.
- Retailers, restaurants, and other food service operators who have processed and packaged any potentially contaminated products need to be concerned about cross-contamination of cutting surfaces and utensils through contact with the potentially contaminated products.
- Retailers that have sold bulk product should clean and sanitize the containers used to hold the product.
- Regular frequent cleaning and sanitizing of food contact surfaces and utensils used in food preparation may help to minimize the likelihood of cross-contamination.