Artisan-Style Bread Trends in 2022

First, it was ‘conscious travel’: holidays that prioritized environmental protection and supporting the local economy. Now, welcome to the world of ‘conscious baking’. This movement is comprised of several different trends that have emerged in recent years. These include the preference for vegan, gluten-free, and artisan-style products. ‘Artisan-style’ simply means baked goods that you might find in your local bakery: think of seeded buns, crusty sourdough, or knotted bread rolls. The popularity of this baking style grew during successive lockdowns when many bread and cake fans either took up baking again or rediscovered a fondness for traditional goods with local ingredients.

The ethical breadbasket

Conscious baking’ describes the growing market for both healthier and more artisan-style products, and it’s a booming segment for industrial bakeries. It’s tied in with the trend of so-called ‘conscious consumerism’, a term used to describe the growing trend of consumers who are more in touch than ever before with health and sustainability. 

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