At Rio, we’re proud to bring you a wide variety of standard, garden, and spray roses. As part of our vast selection, we also offer tinted roses. Nature already provides the most incredible colors and combinations, but sometimes customers want something unique, and that’s where tinting can make all the difference. In this article, we’re taking you behind the scenes to explain how our tinting process works.
We use two different processes to tint roses. The first is stem dyeing, where the flowers absorb the dye through the stems. This process requires that roses be drier than usual, so when we harvest them, we don’t place them in water before sending them to the post-harvest location. Slightly dehydrating the roses makes them “thirsty” for easier ink absorption.
The process of dehydrating the roses can take anywhere from 24 to 48 hours. Also, when harvesting roses from the farm, we keep the stems longer than the final length, as we need to cut them right before absorption.
To read the rest of the story, please go to: Rio Roses / Equiflor