ALEXANDRIA, VA. — Each of the three courses in The Society of American Florists’ Forecasting Your Future series, are 40 percent off until Friday, August 25 at midnight. The highly interactive courses, available on SAF’s Floral Education Hub, are designed to help retail florists track sales and manage costs
to maximize profitability.
The series, led by successful retailers Manny and Clara Gonzalez, sets the framework to create an effective sales forecast and then use that forecast to control costs, as well as develop incentive plans to manage wages.
“Even if you see just a 1 percent bump in your profit margins by adapting these practices — and I guarantee you’ll see at least that — for most shops, that’s a $5,000 to $10,000 addition to your bottom line,” Manny says, adding that it’s risk-free: “SAF is offering a full refund to anyone not satisfied with the courses.”
Each course includes downloadable resources and spreadsheets that allow participants to follow along with the Gonzalezs’ in real-time. The courses are:
- Sales Forecasting: Step by step guidance for creating a working forecast to predict sales for every day, week and month.
- Forecasting Your Future: Cost of Goods Sold: How to use the forecast to spend wisely, deliver value and drive profit.
- Forecasting Your Future: Wage Control: How to use the forecast to control wages and retain a team of top talent.
The courses are 40 percent off — with an additional $200 off when all three are purchased. They are an investment that, according to the Gonzaleses’ firsthand experience using these practices, is guaranteed to pay off.
Visit Floral Education Hub to register before the discounted pricing ends on August 25.
About The Society of American Florists
The Society of American Florists is the association that connects and cultivates a thriving floral community through training, education, marketing resources and advocacy. Our vision: The power of flowers in every life. For more information, visit SAFnow.org.