Hydrangeas are possibly one of the most recognized flowers, and with their large, beautiful blooms, it’s not hard to see why. Although they are well known for being showy, their true flowers are actually quite small and often overlooked. That’s because the part that’s most admired are the showy bracts, but if you look carefully in the center of these, you will see the true flowers nestled deep within.
The name Hydrangea itself gives you a clue to how these beauties like to be treated, as the name stems from Latin for water (hydros) and jar (angos), thus indicating that these flowers love and need water, whether rooted or as a cut flower. This is especially important when using Hydrangeas for weddings. Making sure that the stems have free water available at all times, and using an anti-transpirant spray on the bracts will help keep hydrangeas looking fresh all day.
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