Captivating Gen Z: 8 Ways to Market Your Floral Business on Social Media

Marketing to a Gen Z audience may feel like you’re entering a whole new world. That’s because you are! Gen Z is the first generation who grew up with digital technology, so they’re highly connected and socially conscious. They are also cautious of any attempts to sell them. So, how do you market your products to people who don’t want to be sold to? Here, we provide eight ways to help you do just that.

1. Stop Selling and Start Engaging

Instead of trying to sell a product, focus on educating and engaging with your content. When you do this, you gain trust, and sales will follow. Craft compelling stories around your floral creations. For example, highlight the journey from cut flower to arrangement and emphasize the care, passion, and expertise that goes into it. The key is to create an emotional connection with your audience.

2. Create Authentic Content

Be transparent in what you post and infuse your unique personality into your content. Avoid being overly polished in your images and text, and instead aim for genuine, human interaction with every follower. You can build long-lasting relationships with Gen Z customers by taking them behind the scenes in your business and providing valuable information.

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