That Flower Feeling Spreading the Message of Flower Power

We all need to spread the word about the power of flowers. Everyone needs to see that flowers bring much more than beauty: they improve your mood, reduce stress, spark creativity, and so much more. We need to come together as an industry and get the message out as far and wide as possible to help more people enjoy the benefits of flowers in their daily lives.

To help us all in that effort, That Flower Feeling (TFF) was launched earlier this year. This all-industry cooperative effort is designed to increase floral consumption in the United States, or as they state, “to get more Americans enjoying more flowers, more often.”

In our wonderful industry, we’ve always talked about how we can sell more flowers to more people, more often, for more money. We believe TFF is the vehicle to start the movement to make this happen. Through TFF, we can prove to everyone what a collaborative effort can do for our industry.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Rio Roses