How the BreadBot Caters To The Need For Ultimate Convenience and Freshness

January 31, 2020 Puratos Taste Tomorrow

Buying food online and other technological breakthroughs can make life much more convenient. But at the same time, consumers long for freshness, and for the experience they find in (offline) shops. And that’s where the BreadBot comes in.

Puratos: This Tube Cake is as Convenient as it is Delicious

January 29, 2020 Puratos Taste Tomorrow

This delicious tube cake answers the need for convenient tastings, as it combines all the flavours of hazelnuts and chocolate.

Ultimate Convenience Through Smart Tech Solutions

January 20, 2020 Puratos Taste Tomorrow

With so little time and such busy lives, today’s consumers demand ultimate convenience. They want immediate access to everything they desire, without having to wait or compromise. Buying food online and other technological innovations can make things more convenient. Discover how you can respond to this need for more convenience.

How to Benefit From the Growing Vegan Trend

January 15, 2020 Puratos Taste Tomorrow

How can you respond to it without compromising the taste and quality of your products? Turn the challenge into wonderful opportunities with the plant-based solutions of Puratos.

This Bread Takes Transparency to the Next Level

January 9, 2020 Puratos Taste Tomorrow

Consumers are seeking more and more information about the products they consume. They long for transparency and want access to all the information about the product they’re buying. They read the packaging to be informed or reassured. But to provide ultimate transparency, you need to go beyond the packaging.